“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” –Steve Jobs.

“Make it simple, but significant”.

The goal is to first and foremost, create with the intention of making a difference in the homes of every day, hardworking, persons’ . Whatever budget, design, or creative idea that comes to mind, I want to help that become a reality in whatever way I can. From space planning, renderings, project budgeting, custom artwork, to a simple design sketch; I am prepared to get your creative needs met.


Our Services

I have a wide variety of design services to choose from. Starting from beginning, middle, or end of your project I am here to assist you! 

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What Is our Process?

Where do I begin? Where to start? Click here for my recommended process in creating a new design experience within your home!

Our Design Process »

Our Portfolio

Visit my portfolio to view some of my latest work. 

View Our Portfolio»


My Story

Learn more about Designed by Sydney and how it came to be.


"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

— Maya Angelou